Introducing the charismatic Cover star of the Day: Omar Ayuso, captured by the talented photographer Daniel Sars, during The Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival. Known for his standout roles in television and film, Omar shares his passion for cinema, influenced by iconic films like Star Wars and directors like Pedro Almodóvar. He discusses his unique experience on ‘On the Go’, his role in Netflix’s Elite, and his upcoming projects, including Disney+’s Yo Adicto.

Omar, your career has spanned both television and film. Can you share with us your passion for cinema? Where does it stem from, and who were your cinematic icons or inspirations growing up?
My passion for the cinema was born from the moment I started to be attracted to films such as Star WarsIndiana JonesHarry Potter, or The Lord of the Rings. Years later, when I turned 12, I happened to watch La mala educación directed by Pedro Almodóvar, which immediately connected with me due to the different perspectives it shows. It was then that I realized that I was more interested in the point of view of the producer, as I was able to understand the philosophy of directors like Michael Haneke, Yorgos Lanthimos, Xavier Dolan, Pier Paolo Pasolini, among others.

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You’re here in Amsterdam to present ‘On the Go,’ a captivating exploration of friendship, motherhood, and the influence of dating apps. What drew you to this project?
What I liked most about On the Go, besides the story and the brilliant characters involved, was the approach the directors took to the project and the way the film was shot. It is a short film with a small cast, shot in 16mm, and it’s all done in one single shot. The project itself became a road movie in the south of Spain.

Your character Jonathan seeks solace in Grindr to cope with abandonment issues. How did you approach portraying such complex emotions on screen?
I was able to understand the psychology of my character, Jonathan, and his connection with sex and the apps from the first read of the script, as I also have a complicated relationship with sex, love, and seduction myself.

‘On the Go’ pays homage to the legendary movie ‘Corridas de alegría’ in its filming style and use of music. How did this homage influence your approach to the film?
I never watched the original movie before the shooting; I decided to do it that way just not to be swayed by it beforehand. To this day, I still haven’t watched it. I guess I should.

This film marks your collaboration with director Julia de Castro. Can you tell us about your experience working with her?
Working with both Julia and Maria is really fun, as they are totally familiar with the emotional material that the actors are made of. They also respect our times and the different schemes we may use. Besides, they trust in actors as creators, so they also give us freedom of speech during the creative process.

You’ve gained widespread recognition for your role in Netflix’s ‘Elite.’ How does your experience in television differ from working on a feature film like ‘On the Go’?
Everything is different and the same as well. Elite is a project with a solid structure of production and a disciplined work method, whereas On the Go was a film that was shot with no money and with an inexperienced team, which managed to create a natural, beautiful, and innocent environment. No wonder, that was the most special project I have worked on so far.

The Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival is celebrating its tenth anniversary. What significance does it hold for you to be presenting ‘On the Go’ at such a milestone event? How is Amsterdam treating you so far?
Amsterdam is a magic city where I could perfectly live. Everyone was very nice to us at the festival. Festivals like this one are really important to provide visibility and grant a place for short films that are not made with a powerful platform.

As an actor, what do you hope audiences take away from ‘On the Go,’ particularly regarding its exploration of LGBTQIA+ themes?
I wish the viewers are able to enjoy the movie and connect with the characters. This is the most important thing for me.

As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, you’ve also become a fashion icon to many. How would you describe the role of fashion in your life, and how do you approach personal style both on and off the screen?
As everybody else, I like fashion as an artistic expression and a way we use to identify ourselves.

After the captivating journey of ‘On the Go,’ can you share any insights into your future projects? Are there any upcoming roles or collaborations that you’re excited to share with us?
I will soon premiere a series for Disney+, Yo Adicto directed by Javier Giner, which is very special to me for its thematic. It is the story of addictions and reconciliation. My character in this project is the toughest I’ve done so far. Besides, this year Netflix will launch the last season of Elite, which also puts an end to an important stage of my life.

I am currently shooting Mariliendre, directed by Los Javis, in which I play the character of a guy who sings and dances, something very different.

photography DANIEL SARS
styling MARC FORNE
editorial coordinator and production MAREK BARTEK
production assistant LINDA SCHREITER
editor-in-chief TIMOTEJ LETONJA
location SOCIAL HUB