interview by SAMO ŠAJN

Jake Fleming, a 23-year-old content creator, is making waves in the fashion industry with his infectious energy and unique sense of humour. His ability to blend a love for fashion with comedy has garnered him a loyal following. Through his innovative approach, Jake has collaborated with some of the biggest fashion houses, bridging the gap between the seemingly unattainable world of high fashion and the relatable world of comedy. With his fresh perspective, Jake is carving out a niche for himself.

Jake, how did you discover your passion for fashion and comedy?

I’ve always had a passion for both, even as a child. But it wasn’t until I posted online that I realized I could mix the two and turn it into a career. My passion grew immensely after that.

jumpsuit & heels ACNE STUDIOS
earrings NUMBR, TWELVE

Tell us about your journey from being a young enthusiast to collaborating with top fashion houses.

When starting, working with high-end brands is always the goal, but there’s no recipe for how to get there. I dreamt of working with brands I idolized as a kid, and one day that dream came true. You start with more attainable brands, build your platform and image, and you may get lucky with a designer campaign, which happened to me. After that, it was a snowball effect. Partnering with one designer brand caught the attention of others. Now, I’ve built relationships with brands I could’ve only dreamt of.

What inspires your unconventional methods of transforming garments into new silhouettes?

This came from understanding textiles in fashion school. We were taught to manipulate fabrics and silhouettes, so I used that knowledge to transform items I already had into new ones without sewing or deconstructing them.

How do you bridge the gap between high fashion and relatability for your audience?

I keep it real. You rarely see a goofball in fashion, but I’ve always kept my content fluid and organic. When working with a designer, the brand believes in me rather than fitting me into a campaign that 50 other content creators are doing.

hooded top JUNYA WATANBE

What’s the most unusual fashion item you’ve acquired, and how did you incorporate it into your content?

There’s not just one, but several. My collection of animal purses has been a newfound addiction. It started with the J.W. Anderson frog and pigeon clutches and hasn’t slowed down. I incorporate them into videos in a comedic but fashionable way, lightening the mood in the fashion industry.

Describe a memorable moment from one of your videos that perfectly captures your style.

A memorable moment is a skit-style video I filmed in Soho with a Longchamp headphone purse, garnering over 20 million views because of the comedic timing and oddness of the purse. This encapsulates my weirdness in both comedy and fashion.

How do you balance authenticity and entertainment in your fashion commentary videos?

There’s no balance because I’m just being myself. Nothing is put on for entertainment value; that’s how I am in real life. It’s easy to stay authentic and genuine online because there’s no performative motive.

jacket ALAIA
belt ERD
ear cuff PANCONESI

What advice do you have for aspiring fashion content creators who want to stand out?

Be knowledgeable about what you share; don’t just share for views. Focus on your individuality and how you can stand out. Most importantly, have fun and love what you’re doing. People can see forced behaviour, so do what makes you the happiest.

What risks have you taken in your fashion journey, and how did they pay off?

I’ve taken financial risks, like flying to events or fashion week when I could have saved that $1,000. Investing in those experiences has not only gotten me that money back but also boosted my career.

jacket ALAIA
ear cuff PANCONESI

agency ART DEPT. using BALMAIN hair products and DIOR skincare