Grab your sunglasses, it’s time to dance and groove at the festivals! Festivals are the perfect setting to support your favorite artists and DJs as they tour Europe. To celebrate the kickoff of the festival season, we’ve teamed up with Dr. Martens to create a Festival Guide featuring our favorite Amsterdam-based DJs.

In this first edition, we spotlight three incredible talents: Grace Dahl, Joiah, and Stef de Haan. Captured by the talented photographer Rebecca Kapenga, they showcase their favorite Dr. Martens boots. We had the chance to sit down with each of them to discuss their upcoming sets, festival rituals, and, of course, their unique fashion styles.


Grace Dahl is a Techno DJ and producer from Amsterdam with a mixed heritage of Finnish and Hungarian descent. The Vault Sessions resident plays a versatile selection of Techno, seamlessly shifting from hypnotic loops and bouncy grooves to powerful kicks & dominant percussion.

Grace, what track ID are you most excited to drop in your upcoming sets?

I’m extremely excited to play “Ech Wel”. It is a track I recently made in collaboration with Alec Dienaar for my new label “Serial Disc Touchers”. The beat is very playful and bouncy, a festival must have if I say so myself!

What's your go-to festival look?

A fitted top with a back cut-out, cargo trousers or jeans, Dr. Martens Jadons or sneakers, Numéro Netherlands x polette sunnies, and a functional crossbody bag with many pockets. I finish the look with some of my favorite silver accessories like statement rings, earrings, and layered necklaces by Synaesthetic. I’d probably go for sleek hair and vibrant makeup to complement this outfit.

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

I like to arrive to my shows at least an hour before my set time, to have enough time to meet the promoters and personnel, get settled in, assess what’s being played at that moment and read the crowds response to it. Fifteen minutes before show time, I like to isolate a bit and purely focus on visualising my set in my head, eventually making my way into the booth.

Any advice for aspiring festival DJs?

The journey of becoming a touring DJ is as much about passion, creativity and perseverance as it is about practicing your techniques and remaining eager to improve. Stay curious and experimental, dream big, don’t be demotivated by set backs and embrace your unique self. You’ve got this!

buy the Jadon Boots


Stef de Haan is an Amsterdam-based producer, DJ, and founder of De Reünie. Known for his dynamic sets blending intricate percussion, melodic rhythms, and strong, rhythmic sounds, Stef is redefining the electronic music scene with each performance.

Stef,  how do you choose tracks for a festival set?

I like to create a subtle mix of my own tracks, new bangers, and some classics. Honestly, I come equipped with a variety of vibes and gauge the crowd's response in the moment. It's all about connecting with the audience and finding a mutual groove between my sound and what they want to hear.

What's the best festival crowd you've ever played for?

They're all great—I don’t like to compare. It’s not about appearances; it’s about whether they can lose themselves in the music. Those are the best crowds.

How would you describe your fashion style?

I enjoy blending unexpected items with a clean, minimalistic approach. Sometimes it’s all black with one or two unexpected accessories like bags, caps, hats, or ties. I prefer baggy pants paired with slightly fitted tops. Brands are just brands if you can’t style them ;) Don’t depend on brands; depend on style.

 What's your go-to festival look?

White blouse, black tie, shades, leather jacket, big baggy pants, and my favorite bag. I love to style my Dr. Martens boots with baggy jeans over them—they're perfect for so many different occasions, including dancing!

buy the 1460 Vegan Boots


Joiah is a versatile talent—a skilled music producer, accomplished singer, and DJ of Italian-Colombian descent known for her dynamic beats. Born Gioia Carraro in Padua, she was exposed to music early on through her mother's pop culture influence and her grandfather's appreciation for classical music. Her mastery across multiple mediums defines her as a distinct artist.

What track ID are you most excited to drop in your upcoming sets?

A3 RUIZ OSC1 - "ROOT 2" by RUIZ OSC1. It's one of the best tracks I've discovered in the past few months, perfectly capturing my essence and culture. It blends salsa, house, and techno into one track—pure bliss for my soul!

How do you choose tracks for a festival set?

Choosing tracks before a show is a meticulous process. I organize them by energy levels and ensure they complement each other. It requires time and patience, as I aim to remain flexible and not follow a rigid path. I often use Mixed In Key to analyze and harmonically match the tracks. From there, I either improvise or gauge the crowd’s reaction. I like to ride the wave, stay spontaneous, and be somewhat unpredictable.

What's been your most memorable festival experience?

My most memorable festival experience was at Dekmantel in 2022, during the Octo Octa B2B Eris Drew set at the main stage. Their performance was sensational, with an effortless and sophisticated symbiosis that was a joy to witness. Another unforgettable moment was at III Points in Miami during the Gorillaz performance. The visuals and the incredible band gave me goosebumps like never before, making time and space feel suspended.

How do you stay energized during long festival days?

I stay energized by staying hydrated and eating healthy food. Taking breaks between stages and napping when needed are crucial. It's all about pacing myself to maintain energy throughout the day, and wearing comfortable shoes like my pair of Church Boots by Dr. Martens helps a lot.

Buy the Church Boots

editor & interview MARIE-PAULINE CESARI