YellowStraps is a Belgian artist known for his unique blend of neo-soul, R&B, and electronic music. Following the success of his fourth studio album, Tentacle, YellowStraps has released an innovative EP, Tentacle, but Different. This four-track project entails fresh reinterpretations of the album’s standout tracks. Each song on the EP explores new genres and styles, bringing a dynamic and energetic twist to the original compositions.

The EP features a variety of reworked tracks, such as the upbeat and groove-infused sorrysorrysorry (sad sometimes) and the lively, danceable versions of notice (know this) and headown (let’s talk about trust). In contrast, tnght (i can feel) delves into a moodier, more reflective sound. The EP aims to breathe new life into Tentacle by showcasing YellowStraps’ versatility and willingness to experiment with different musical landscapes.

With recognition from prominent artists like Masego and Nelly Furtado and millions of listeners on streaming platforms, YellowStraps continues to push the boundaries of his craft. As he prepares for upcoming tour dates in Barcelona and Madrid, the artist remains a pivotal figure in the Belgian rap scene, contributing to its vibrant and diverse musical community.

Numéro NL sat down with YellowStraps and delved into the inspiration behind his reimagined EP tentacle, but different, his creative process, and his vision for the future.

Can you tell me about the inspiration behind creating the tentacle, but different EP? What motivated you to revisit and reinterpret your album tentacle and how did you choose which tracks to rework for the new EP? 

The tentacle, but different EP was inspired by a desire to experiment with new sounds and perspectives. I revisited ‘tentacle’ to breathe fresh life into it, giving the tracks a new dimension. The selection process focused on songs that had the most potential for creative reinterpretation.

The reworked track sorrysorrysorry (sad sometimes) features shimmering synths and a dubstep/UKG influenced groove. Can you describe the creative process behind this transformation?

Remixing sorrysorrysorry involved experimenting with different sounds to give it a fresh new uptempo vibe. We added shimmering synths to keep it emotional but powerful at the same time and incorporated dubstep/UKG elements because the idea was to create a dynamic groove. The process was about blending these new influences while keeping the song’s original emotion.

Both notice (know this) and headown (let’s talk about trust) have been given an uptempo makeover on the EP. What was your vision for these tracks’ new directions?

Actually like all the remixes the vision for this new direction was to make them more energetic and danceable. I wanted to bring a fresh, lively vibe to these tracks while preserving their original spirit! The idea was to create a new experience of a track i already created.

Can you talk about the moodier rework of tnght (i can feel) and what inspired you to take one of the album’s breezier moments down this path?

For the rework of tnght (i can feel) we wanted to explore a deeper emotional landscape. I don’t really feel it’s dark, but the inspiration was to contrast the original’s breeziness with a more intense and reflective atmosphere, adding a new dimension to the track thanks to the baile funk groove! Still a kind of summer track but definitely different than the original.

You’ve mentioned the goal was to further develop the hybrid aspect of the project. Can you elaborate on how this EP allowed you to explore new stylistic horizons?

This EP gave me the chance to blend different genres and sounds more boldly. By reworking the tracks, I could experiment with various styles, pushing the boundaries of my music and exploring new creative directions.

Your rework of ‘blue’ received praise from artists like Masego and Nelly Furtado. How do you feel about this recognition, and how does it influence your future work?

Being praised by artists like Masego and Nelly Furtado was insane! It’s truly humbling and encouraging. Their recognition fuels my passion for music and motivates me to keep exploring innovative ideas in my future work. It’s a reminder to always challenge yourself creatively and aim for excellence in every project you undertake.

With over 14 million streams for Slowdown (girl what’s up), how do you balance the commercial success of your tracks with your artistic vision and experimentation?

While I appreciate the recognition and high stream numbers, I prioritize staying true to my creative instincts. I continually challenge myself to explore new musical territories and innovate! That means ensuring that each track reflects my passion and growth while resonating with a wide audience.

You have tour dates coming up in Barcelona and Madrid. How do you prepare for live performances, and what can we expect from your shows?

In preparation for upcoming tour dates I immerse myself in rehearsals to deliver our best performance. My goal is to deliver a nice experience that brings the reworked tracks from the EP to life, blending them with spontaneous moments and interactive elements that engage and captivate the audience throughout the show. With my new live band, audiences can definitely expect a powerful, musical and captivating show.

As a key figure in the Belgian rap scene, how do you see your role in influencing and contributing to the growth of this vibrant musical community?

I always try to push boundaries creatively, collaborate with emerging talents, and highlight diverse styles that showcase our cultural richness. By supporting local artists, promoting collaboration, and contributing positively to the scene’s development, I hope to inspire growth and recognition both locally and internationally.

And looking beyond the new EP, what feature projects/releases/gigs do you have in the planning?

Beyond the new EP, I’m excited about upcoming projects and gigs. I have collaborations with other artists in the works, exploring new musical directions. Alongside this, I’m preparing for upcoming gigs and live performances to bring these new sounds to life on stage.
I have an upcoming European tour starting in October and i can’t wait to be back on stage!